Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Lizzard that ran across Gran's foot

Several weeks ago, my grandparents and oldest Cousin came hear to visit us. I still had Lightning and Ernie and my family really liked them. Soon though, we had to let them go so I let Ernie out, and put the rope on Lightning. Then I brought Lightning outside to take some pictures of him. Mamma took some good pictures but I wanted a picture of me holding him by the tail, with the rope off. So we doused him with water which he seemed to like ad I stepped on the rope. Then I touched his tail and he took off! Thankfully he still had the rope on so he was only able to run over and between my grandmas feet but she didn't mind. I grabbed that thing by the tail and pulled the rope off and mamma took some good picts then the iguana squired and I dropped it! It ran up a palm tree and now he is free. The End.
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  1. haha, not every grandmother can say they've had an iguana run over their foot!! Great pics and what fun pets!

  2. Jonathan, I LOVED reading your lizard stories! What is a Jesus lizard? I'm so glad you write your stories on the blog and share them with others. You write very well!
